(Q): I am interested in participating in 2025 CSPDWeek this summer. How do I get more details about the workshop offerings?
(A): We will be hosting CSPDWeek again this summer. Registration will be opening soon for this dynamic, in-person offering bringing together California-based middle/intermediate and high school educators of all subject matters to learn how to bring accessible, equitable computer science education to their students. Participants will be given tools and a network of support for fostering the next generation of critical thinkers and problem solvers in our increasingly digitized world. Stipends will be offered.
Save the Date For CSPDWeek:
June 23-27, 2025 | Anaheim, CA
Q): I am participating in the Winter of CS. I am wondering about the stipend payment associated with Winter of CS.
(A): Stipend payments of up to $500 will be processed once full and active participation in both days of the Winter of CS is confirmed. No partial payments will be processed. No stipends will be distributed until full and active participation is verified.
Stipend payments will occur by June 30, 2025.
(Q): What is my commitment after participating in a 2024 Summer of CS workshop?
(A): The grant that funds the 2024 Summer of CS asks for participating teachers to acknowledge an intent to deliver the CS instruction. This delivery could include integrated lessons, standalone units of instruction, after-school clubs and activities, and/or other creative approaches. The workshop you choose to participate in this summer will provide you with ample content and strategies for instruction. You will receive the resources and support to help you try to do 30/50/75 hours in the first school year.
In addition to fully and actively participating in your Summer of CS workshop and the associated follow-up workshops, you will also be asked to implement CS instruction during the 2024/2025 school year using curriculum and pedagogical strategies provided through your chosen workshop:
K-5 Teachers and Paraprofessionals - 30 hours
Grade 6-8 Teachers and Paraprofessionals - 50 hours
Grade 9-12 Teachers and Paraprofessionals - 75 hours (as a discrete CS course or implemented in an existing math, science, business, career technical education, or other elective course)
It is intended that Administrators and Counselors will support the implementation of CS Education at your school as well as prioritize the CS Implementation of instruction to a diverse group of students in the 2024-2025 school year while also prioritizing and adapting this instruction for students who are historically underrepresented in the field of CS. Learn more
(Q): I participated in the 2024 Summer of CS and have been participating in my 2024/2025 Academic Year Workshops. When can I expect my stipend to be paid?
(A): These follow-up workshops are offered in segments to support you as you integrate computer science at your site during the 2024/2025 school year.
Each Academic Year Workshop Segment consists of 6 hours. A participant must complete all 6 hours of a segment to receive the participation incentive of $250 for that segment (there are no partial payments). Once your work is completed and your full and active participation is verified by your county office regional lead, you can expect to receive a stipend payment within 120 days.
Grades K-5 workshops have two academic year workshop segments that are 6 hours each and total 12 hours.
Grades 6-12 workshops have four academic year workshop segments that are 6 hours each and total 24 hours.
Each workshop has a unique schedule developed by its facilitator and county office of education (COE) CS champion. For reference, here are a few variations of a 6-hour segment that may include both synchronous and asynchronous sessions:
6 sessions that are 1 hour each = 1 total workshop segment
4 sessions that are 1.5 hours each = 1 total workshop segment
3 sessions that are 2 hours each = 1 total workshop segment
2 sessions that are 3 hour each = 1 total workshop segment
1 session that is 6 hours = 1 total workshop segment
Stipend Information:
To honor your time and energy as you participate in this series of follow-up workshops, you will earn a stipend for each 6-hour Academic Year Workshop segment with verified full and active participation in synchronous sessions and completing related asynchronous work.
Academic Year Workshops segments offer a stipend payment of $250 for completing all 6 hours of full and active participation in the segment. For example, if your Academic Year Workshop #1 is scheduled as four sessions that last 1.5 hours each, then you will receive a $250 stipend payment once your total 6 hours of synchronous/asynchronous work is completed and verified by your facilitator and county office regional lead (COE CS Champions) for Academic Year Workshop segment #1.
Partial payments are not possible. Stipend payments will be made for completing all 6 hours of synchronous/asynchronous full and active participation in a segment and verified by your facilitator and county office regional lead per Academic Year Workshop segment. For example, if you complete 3 hours of work for Academic Year Workshop segment #1, you will not receive a stipend until you have completed another 3 hours of work for Academic Year Workshop segment #1, and it has been verified by your facilitator and county office regional lead. You cannot combine 3 hours of completed work for Academic Year Workshop segment #1 and 3 hours of completed work for Academic Year Workshop segment #2 to meet the 6-hour requirement for a $250 stipend.
As a reminder, once your work is completed and your full and active participation is verified by your county office regional lead, you can expect to receive a stipend payment within 120 days.
(Q): What are the Travel Reimbursement Policies and Procedures if I participate in a regional 2024 Summer of CS workshop or a CSPDWeek workshop?
(A): The policies and procedures are different whether you attend a regional or a statewide CSPDWeek workshop in Anaheim. Go to Travel Reimbursement for details.
Important: Workshop participants must have a completed Participation Agreement to be eligible for a stipend payment and travel reimbursement.
(Q): Who was eligible to participate and receive a stipend (participation incentive) for the 2024 Summer of CS workshops?
(A): Due to the stipulations of the CA Department of Education with the Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG), participation incentives can only be made available to California educators and paraprofessionals who are currently working in a classroom during regular instructional time and are directly related to the classroom instruction of pupils. Teachers who are the teacher-in-charge consistently during the school day and paraprofessionals during the school day will be paid a participation incentive through the EWIG: CS grant. Payment for regional workshops will be coordinated with your county’s Office of Education. The amount of the stipends varies, based on the duration and intensity of the professional learning experience.
If a Librarian is teaching a Computer Technology course, CS course, or a teacher-in-charge of another course during the school day, they are eligible to be funded from EWIG: CS funds.
Private school educators, expanded learning educators, pre-service teachers, and substitute teachers are not eligible for a stipend.
(Q) What are some reasons I might not be eligible to receive a stipend, and should not opt-in to receive a stipend?
(A): Important: Workshop participants must have a completed Participation Agreement to be eligible for a stipend payment and travel reimbursement. Here are reasons you may not be eligible to receive a stipend:
You are not employed by a public school or local education agency in California.
You are participating in professional learning while receiving a salary with your organization/district/school at the time of the professional learning.
Your organization/district/school has a policy that prevents you from receiving stipends/gifts in addition to your salary.
You did not "fully and actively" participate in the live/synchronous portion of the workshop.
You are a private school educator, an expanded learning educator, a substitute teacher, or a pre-service teacher (as per the requirements of the EWIG:CS Seasons of CS grant)
It is your responsibility to confirm your eligibility to receive a stipend.
It should be noted the receipt of a stipend constitutes a taxable event under the prevailing tax regulations. Parties involved must consider the implications of their individual tax obligations.
Questions about the Seasons of CS workshops and stipends? Visit our FAQ page and/or complete the Stipend Inquiry Form.
(Q) Will partial stipends be paid for Academic Year Workshops?
(A): Academic Year Workshops provide Summer of CS participants an opportunity to reconnect with their summer cohort and they provide ongoing professional learning activities intended to extend the summer workshop experience with just-in-time content. Stipend payments of $250 will be paid for every completion of 6 hours of training during Academic Year Workshops. There are no partial stipend payments. For example, if you attended a scheduled Academic Year Workhsop on Tuesday but not the scheduled Thursday workshop, then you will not be paid $125.
(Q) What opportunities are available to connect with other teachers who are passionate about integrating CS into their classrooms?
(A) We invite you to network with like-minded educators who have a passion for educational technology and CS! The Seasons of CS Statewide Community of Practice (CoP) will be hosted by the Computer Science Teachers Association.
Winter: December 12, 2024 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Spring: April 24, 2025 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
(Q): What is the cost for the Summer of CS workshops?
(A): Summer of CS workshops are free, and eligible participants are paid a stipend for their time. California classroom educators and paraprofessionals employed by a public school LEA (school, district, or county office of education) will receive a daily stipend as an incentive for active participation in the Summer of CS offerings. Although educators who work in private schools, expanded learning and out-of-school time programs are welcome to participate, these educators are not eligible to receive a stipend.
(Q): As an educator, do I need to notify my supervisor before I attend a Summer of CS workshop?
(A): Yes, educators do need to notify their supervisors before registering for Summer of CS. By involving supervisors in this unique professional development opportunity, we can build district-wide systems of support to ensure that educators and students are getting the resources and support they need to succeed in computer science. Check out our Participation Agreement.
Approaching your supervisor for permission to attend the event can provide an opportunity for you to discuss your professional development goals and how Summer of CS can help you achieve them. This discussion can lead to a more productive and fulfilling work experience for you and your students. Additionally, attending Summer of CS shows your dedication to your students and profession, sending a message to your supervisor that you are taking your role seriously.
For resources to help advocate for CS at your school, please visit CSforCA.org/take-action.
Important: Workshop participants must have a completed Participation Agreement to be eligible for a stipend payment and travel reimbursement.
(Q): What type of participation is required to receive a stipend (participation incentive)?
(A): At our virtual, hybrid, and in-person computer science professional learning workshops, we prioritize fostering an interactive and collaborative environment. These workshops are designed not only to impart standards-based knowledge and skills but also to provide California K-12 educators with the invaluable opportunity to connect with their peers who share a passion for computer science and educational technology. Considering this emphasis on connecting with others, we have chosen not to permit AI notetaking bots, like Otter AI, during our sessions. Our decision aligns with the expectations set by the California Department of Education, which requires active, live participation from educators to qualify for stipends related to these synchronous workshops. We understand that everyone's learning preferences differ. If you're someone who leans towards asynchronous learning, we encourage you to check out the other Seasons of CS learning opportunities.
Important: Workshop participants must have a completed Participation Agreement to be eligible for a stipend payment and travel reimbursement.
(Q): Is Seasons of CS registration open for California private school educators?
(A): Yes. Please enter your school name rather than a district name during the registration process. Registrations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. It is worth noting that stipends cannot be provided to private school educators, due to restrictions in the Educator Workforce Investment Grant. We hope you will benefit from the high-quality, no-cost professional learning opportunities made available through the Seasons of CS.
(Q): Can non-California educators participate in the Summer of CS workshop offerings?
(A): Non-California educators are not allowed to participate at this time due to the terms of the Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG) in Computer Science which is intended to support California educators. While we are unable to accept educators from outside of California, we encourage those educators to seek out alternate professional development opportunities to further CS in their localities.
(Q): Is Seasons of CS registration open for individuals or teams?
(A): You can register as an individual or as a team. To help build local capacity and support, we encourage school-based teams of teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, and administrators to register.
(Q): I am an administrator. Is there a Summer of CS workshop available for my specific role?
(A): Yes. The Summer of CS offers workshops specific to school leaders. In addition, administrators are welcome to register for any Summer of CS workshop to learn about hands-on tools and strategies to implement equity-minded K12 CS education in our schools, districts, and county offices of education. The goal of the workshops is to increase opportunities for all students, including low-income students, students of color, young women, English learners, and students with special needs.
(Q): Are there Continuing Education Units (CEUs) offered for participation in the Summer of CS workshops?
(A): Continuing Education Units are not available for participating in the Summer of CS workshops.
(Q): I am interested in participating in the Teacher Innovation Workshops being offered in the 2023/2024 school year. Is there a stipend available for full and active participation?
(A): Yes, because the Teacher Innovation Workshops are a part of the 3-Hour Orientation Workshops of the Seasons of CS.
Due to the stipulations of the CA Department of Education with the 2023 Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG), participation incentives can only be made available to California educators and paraprofessionals who are currently working in a classroom during regular instructional time and are directly related to the classroom instruction of pupils. Teachers who are the teacher-in-charge consistently during the school day and paraprofessionals during the school day will be paid a participation incentive through the 2023 EWIG: CS grant.
If a Librarian is teaching a Computer Technology course, CS course, or a teacher-in-charge of another course during the school day, they are eligible to be funded from 2023 EWIG: CS funds. Expanded learning educators who are the teacher-in-charge during the school day or a paraprofessional during the school day can be funded through 2023 EWIG: CS funds. Therefore, pre-service teachers and substitute teachers are not eligible to be funded via 2023 EWIG: CS funds.
Here are the stipend details:
$125 stipend per EdTech Playground (6 total for 2023-24) being hosted by the Teacher Innovation Network.
Requirements: Attend an EdTech Playground + complete a corresponding asynchronous assignment. MUST complete both to be eligible for a stipend. No partial stipend.
1 month to complete asynchronous assignment & submit to the Teacher Innovation Network
Stipend available for each of our EdTech Playgrounds & corresponding asynchronous assignments you complete. SIX total! (That's $750 for the 2023-24 school year!)
(Q): What does EWIG stand for?
(A): Seasons of CS is funded by the California Department of Education and the Educator Workforce Investment Grant Program (EWIG). The CSforCA Coalition, including UCLA Center X, the Sacramento County Office of Education, the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, the CDE Foundation, and California County Offices of Education across California, are committed to supporting educators across our state as they expand their capacity to bring CS education to our students. The goal is to implement the Seasons of CS professional learning program across California's Statewide System of Support.
(Q): What are EWIG's 7 Regions of Support in California?
(A): The 7 regional lead agencies (RLAs) are:
(Q): I have several questions about the Seasons of CS learning opportunities. How can I learn more details?
(A) Contact us at seasonsofcs@cdefoundation.org.
FAQs related to the June-July 2023 Summer of CS Workshops
(Q): Was there a stipend associated with participating in the June and July 2023 Summer of CS workshops? I understand these workshops were funded through 2021 EWIG: CS funds.
(A): Yes, California classroom educators who are teachers-in-charge consistently as well as paraprofessionals who participated in the 2023 Summer of CS offerings will receive $175 per day (6 hours) incentive. Most workshops were 3-day or 5-day workshops, with some exceptions. Registrations were taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Registrations were confirmed upon receipt of a signed participation agreement from each registrant and their respective supervisor.
The Seasons of CS Team is here to support you throughout the year as you embark on your computer science learning pathway! Since this is a yearlong professional development opportunity, 2023 Summer of CS workshop participants are guaranteed additional academic year workshops of just-in-time support where they will meet virtually after school with their workshop provider to reinforce, reflect, and extend their learning. These workshop meetings will be daily during the weeks listed below. Workshop time will be a mix of synchronous and asynchronous time. Synchronous time will be specified by your workshop Facilitator. They will be paid a $175 incentive for every 6 hours of ongoing professional learning.
For Grades K-5: September 11-14, 2023 (4-5:30pm) and March 11-14, 2024 (4-5:30pm).
For Grades 6-12: September 11-14, 2023 (4-5:30pm), November 6-9, 2023 (4-5:30pm), January 8-11, 2024 (4-5:30pm), and March 11-14, 2024 (4-5:30pm).
Also included are three virtual Community of Practice gatherings, in collaboration with the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA). These are optional and scheduled from 4-5:30pm where you will connect with fellow educators across California:
Thursday, October 12, 2023 (Autumn Meeting)
Thursday, December 14, 2023 (Winter Meeting)
Thursday, February 8, 2024 (Spring Meeting)
2023 Summer of CS workshop participants will be paid a $50 stipend for each of these meetings for active participation. Go to the CSTA website for more information.
(Q): What is the commitment for the 2023/2024 school year for those who attended the 2023 Summer of CS workshops?
(A): In addition to the academic year workshops listed above, the hope is that teachers and paraprofessionals who participate in 2023 Summer of CS workshops will deliver 30/50/75 hours of CS instruction, depending on grade level, to students during the 2023-2024 school year.
K-5 Teachers and Paraprofessionals - 30 hours
6-8 Teachers and Paraprofessionals - 50 hours
9-12 Teachers and Paraprofessionals - 75 hours (as a discrete CS course or implemented in existing math, science, business, CTE, or another elective course)
This delivery could include integrated lessons, standalone units of instruction, after-school clubs and activities, and/or other creative approaches. The workshop you choose to participate in this summer will provide you with ample content and strategies for instruction. The optional quarterly Community of Practice gatherings during 2023-2024 (listed above) will provide you with opportunities to collaborate with other K-12 teachers across the state on the topic of implementation. The grant that funds the Summer of CS asks for participating teachers to acknowledge an intent to deliver the instruction. You will receive the resources and support to help you try to do 30/50/75 hours in the first school year.
(Q): I see that some 2023 Summer of CS workshops were listed as "In-Person with Virtual Provider." What does that mean?
(A): Both in-person and virtual 2023 Summer of CS workshops were available for all grades K-12. Some workshops were listed as "In-Person with Virtual Provider" since they offered in-person at a physical location such as a county office of education, but the facilitator presenting the provider's curriculum was streamed from another location. For example, the facilitator of the Bootstrap: Algebra workshop were presenting in-person from June 26-30, 2023 at the Santa Clara Office of Education with attendees, but, at the same time this workshop was streamed to the Sacramento County Office of Education for those attendees in-person at that Sacramento site. The Sacramento workshop would be considered "In-Person with Virtual Provider" in this case. If you registered for a workshop that was listed as "Virtual" then there was no physical location and the workshop was entirely delivered online by the facilitator who was the content expert of the provider's curriculum. Room Hosts, for both in-person and virtual workshops, were available to support the workshop facilitators.
(Q): I participated in a 2023 Summer of CS workshop. What type of support can I expect as I implement computer science in my classroom?
(A): The Seasons of CS Team is here to support you throughout the year as you embark on your computer science learning pathway! Since this is a yearlong professional development opportunity, not only did you get free access to any 2023 Summer of CS workshop you chose, you also are guaranteed additional academic year workshops of just-in-time support where you will meet virtually after school with your workshop provider to reinforce, reflect, and extend your learning during the following weeks:
For Grades 6-12: September 11-14, 2023 (4-5:30pm), November 6-9, 2023 (4-5:30pm), January 8-11, 2024 (4-5:30pm), and March 11-14, 2024 (4-5:30pm). These workshop meetings will be daily during the weeks listed. Workshop time will be a mix of synchronous and asynchronous time. Synchronous time will be specified by your workshop provider. There will be a total of 24 hours of academic-year support. You will be paid a $175 incentive for every 6 hours of ongoing professional learning.
For Grades K-5: September 11-14, 2023 (4-5:30pm) and March 11-14, 2024 (4-5:30pm). These workshop meetings will be daily during the weeks listed. Workshop time will be a mix of synchronous and asynchronous time. Synchronous time will be specified by your workshop provider. There will be a total of 12 hours of academic-year support. You will be paid a $175 incentive for every 6 hours of ongoing professional learning.